
What's your purpose?

Finally a simple answer to a complex question.

I was recently telling a friend that, now I'm birthing my new Pilates Reformer Barcelona project, I have for the first time in years felt more "on purpose" than ever, although I claim I don't know what my life purpose is, if that makes sense?

I've meditated, done exercises, journaled, and the pressure to “find” this purpose has had me feeling quite inadequate for most of my life.

Aaarrghhh “Purpose, why do you STILL elude me?”

I have over the last decade connected back into my heart and body after a lengthy battle with bulimia, and I have since wanted to help others do the same. I enjoy getting my clients strong from the inside out, aligned, balanced and connected in their bodies, hearts and minds with Pilates classes, here in Barcelona, but is it my purpose. I kind of happily fell into it rather than being called and isn’t purpose a calling?

Does my work matter enough? Am I making enough of a difference to people? Do you ever think that?

Now I am fully recovered and am fit and very healthy, emotionally as well as physically, I am passionate about helping people, not only with their bad backs, posture and muscle balance, but in knowing that they are powerful beyond measure, and absolutely enough as they are, and can live life with gusto.

I feel more on purpose than ever now…

I have my Reformers in my little Barcelona studio, classes are getting booked up. There’s more focus and clarity to my work and yes, I do feel joy and, for the first time in ages, a sense of peace that things are falling into place. Hooray!

But am I living my purpose? I feel it should be more obvious. Do you know what I mean?

And then, I found this….

I found it online but I don’t know the source, I’m afraid.

I found it online but I don’t know the source, I’m afraid.


It’s like I’ve been given permission that I’m ok and sometimes I need this external reassurance to provide a reflection. Like I teach my clients we are enough, and we are doing enough. By being, kind, compassionate and everyday, making difference with just a smile.

We are not losing or wasting our time because we aren’t in a profession that is directly saving lives, or finding eco friendly alternatives to plastic. We are on purpose by being a human being travelling our crazy, absurd but glorious lives with spirit and integrity, doing our best in the madness.

Amen! Purpose found..Being a decent, and serving human being.

So as I keep myself going into overwhelm about the new Reformer Pilates classes, starting next Monday (click here for details) and the responsibility to my clients, I feel secure that I am on purpose already… delivering strong cores, stable hips, flexible spines, healthy postures and toned balanced muscles is just part of the the bigger picture we are all part of and it all matters.


Since I am launching my new Pilates Reformer Classes this week I have become a little overwhelmed and since that is a state that is familiar to us all below is an exercise I use to help me soothe myself. If you are feeling you need to balance your emotions and help yourself feel secure watch this video from my Limitless Live series..

How do you feel about purpose? There is such a thing? How do you know when you are living it? I’d love to know what your experience. Let me know in the comments below..

Thank you

Love Laura XX

4 Ways To Reset Your Body After Summer


It's September and I always feel so excited this time of year.

New beginnings and promising adventures, more so than at New Year, for me. Remembering the start of a new school term, new shoes, new classes and new possibilities, this time of year still provokes that excitement and positive expectation of all the new things to be discovered and learned.

Its so fresh and exciting

To fully embrace the new season with zest and gusto getting your body reset is key feeling on top of it.

Here are 4 ways that I swear by, that get you going first thing and set you up for lovely autumn days.


It’s been said a million times, and I was trying to think of something more original to say to you, but a large glass of water first thing really is absolutely essential to hydrating you after 6 of 8 hours of sleep. Hydrating the body first thing encourages a consistent blood flow to the skin and flushes toxins from your system. Drinking water just helps prevent kidney stones developing and protects the colon and bladder from infections. It boosts your metabolism, helps create new blood cells and muscle cells which gives your whole body a reviving boost.

Let’s do it - One large glass, first thing - either room temperature, or warm but not from the fridge. You can add a bit of lemon or mint, but the water is the most important.


Doing some form of nurturing exercise or gentle stretching will really set you up for a great day physically and emotionally. I am biased, because Pilates and/or Yoga first thing in the morning is my personal elixir of life, but I would suggest at least 10 minutes to get the blood flowing, wake up your muscles, keep your spine flexible, get your endorphins going and boosting your metabolism. You will never regret it. I have some videos on my youtube channel that might be useful .

Let’s do it -This one for a Pilates for a balanced body might suit you

If you are in Barcelona and fancy making a commitment to moving your body and getting strong from the inside out, check out my New Reformer Classes


I cannot tell you how much being in a state of gratitude is good for your body, health and wellbeing. It might sound a bit woo woo but the vibration of gratitude is so high that being in this state is shown to have really positive effects on your psychological health and your physical health too. The research shows that people who are grateful and appreciative also recover more quickly. In his formal GRACE study of recovering Heart Attack patients Jeff Huffman finds that as a result of feeling that in-the-moment gratitude for one’s health this had strong associations with health and recovery. Gratitude is prevetative and restorative.

Let’s do it -Write down 10 things each day that you are grateful for. It can be anything, like having a nice cosy bed, the colour of the sky at dawn, your childrens laugh as they leave for school, your two working legs that get you around, living in a peaceful country. There are literally a million things to be grateful for most of us, and paying attention to them will serve us well.


Bringing yourself back into the present moment, and not rehashing a story from the past, or a making a prediction about the future is a great way to stay out of anxiety and overwhelm, and give you that reset you need for a new perspective to get you on track for new adventures and projects.

I can really relate to this, as I often get stress and anxiety, worrying about all the demands on my time and obligations I have to fulfill. Being present keeps your stress hormones on an even keel keeping the harmful effects of cortisol and adreneline from wreaking havoc on your health. I find being present helps me get on with my things with more focus and success, and out of procrastination and catastrophising. You can enjoy your life when its actually happening instead waiting for life to happen. It’s a classic but Ekhart Tolle’s The Power Of Now is a really good book on being present and why this is so important for a full and happy life.

Let’s do it -Sit on the floor in easy pose or in a chair and close your eyes. Bring an awareness to your breath. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and breathe out for five seconds slowing your breath down to 4 breaths a minute (1 full breath every 15 seconds). You will feel present, calm and like time has slowed a little bit. 1-3 minutes is a good start.

If you are in Barcelona and would like to make a commitment to your physical health have a look to see if my Introductory Offers Interest you? Your body needs to keep up with your life, so it could be the moment?