Pilates gives you a strong body but also a focused mind.

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This time last year I took part in a Spartan Super Race… and it was super hard. Mamma Mia it was!

For those of you that don’t know what that is (and I didn’t know exactly, until I was there!), it’s a race set over a course, in this case it was 13km of mountainous terrain, and is peppered with obstacles that you have to climb, carry or negotiate yourself through, under or over…and wade through alot of mud.

It was a huge challenge, on so many levels, and I went into it blind.. I thought that Ignorance would be bliss...

I was wrong - Ignorance was foolish

Another thing that was foolish was to buy a pair of super cheap trainers (As I knew there would be mud and they would get ruined, I didnt want to spend too much money) that were also on the small side, and expect them not to rub.

My feet were blistered but it was one of the least painful things that was going on so I kind of didnt notice..

I had not trained and I thank my lucky stars that my husband was so supportive, as was our teammate Andy, and that I have been a practioner of Pilates and Kundalini Yoga for years and years. They all saved my bacon! Also, Andy’s wife Kez was an intricate part of the team as she looked after our children and this an important factor when families embark on adventures. It was a team effort!

The race was not a race for winning but an experience of commitment, teamwork, love, kindness and faith.

The emotions I went through over the course went from excitement and determination, to desperation, regret, hopelessness, shame through to elation, invincibility, strength, pride, inspiration, motivation, love, empathy, compassion and back to desparation, anxiety and fear (I had a near panic attack about 2km from the end and started trembling and crying) and then back to love, comittment, determination, hope and joy.

Boy, it was a roller coaster and I could not have done it without my husband’s love and support and encouragement both physically and emotionally helping through (over and under) the obstacles. Maybe not for everyone but teamwork got me through..

It was an amazing bonding experience for us both and connected us back into each other and our relationship. So often we are busy with life and forget how much we love each other’s spirit and soul so it was a great opportunity to be together and be present on adventure out of our normal environment.

It was like we got to see the real person again, with the curtains of life drawn back - It was raw and real and we loved it.

I believe that having Pilates in my body, being balanced and strong and able to move efficiently with a reinforced core stability got me through physically and emotionally. Pilates helped me with the focus, commitment, the mindset and faith to get me through. Absolutely.

My work teaching Reformer Pilates is fortifying and keeps you strong and capable, not for only Spartan races but for life. We need a strong body and mind so we can get on with our everyday things. We are more resilent and can see the magic of life around us, which makes us happier and more content. We can show up fully and be the best version of ourselves on any given day. You have super powers inside you and do anything when you want to..

There is a beautiful Chinese Proverb “The person who says it cannot be done should not interupt the person doing it”

When you have a metaphorical Spartan Race ahead of you know that the power is inside you and once you make a commitment to yourself and believe in yourself you can do it.