Keep your cool this Christmas..


'Tis the season.. And I love it.

Millions of twinkling lights fill the main Barcelona streets on these chilly, dark early nights. There is an air of excitement; nostalgia for childhoods past that remind us of how things used to be. We yearn to feel the magic again, just a little bit. When you believed. We want to feel close to our families and friends and we crave to feel that warmth of the human spirit around us. From strangers too.

Whatever your faith or beliefs, this Light Fest, that spears through the European December darkness, is full of hope, cosiness and magic. It connects us, and we like that. It lifts us and we all feel better when we are helping others, spreading cheer and goodwill synonymous with this time of year. I'm up for that all year. Aren't you? I still believe!!

Despite all this goodwill, there is a usually a lot going on, and we can get run down more easily.

We go out more, we spend more, we drink more, we eat more and, we argue more (might be just us) and, statistcs also show, we have sex more at this time of year too (I know! ) and we put ourselves under more pressure..

Alot of my Pilates Reformer clients have already pressed pause on their workouts due to travel, and it will be probably January before we pick back up again properly, and thats fine but we must still look after our selves.. and our nerves.

Whether you've bought enough, done enough, or drunk enough (or drunk too much)…. you ARE enough.

We travel more, we worry more, expect more, and compare ourselves to other people more and, generally it can be a really hectic time. We can feel our energy deplete and our nerves can get shot to pieces

If this is you..and It's often me..

I have just the thing for you. Im teaching much more Pilates these days which is also great for the nervous system and stress relief but you can’t beat the immediate results of a perfectly aimed Yoga set.

Below is a Kundalini Yoga Kriya (set or sequence) that adjusts the naval point (An energy centre 3 fingers the below button and just above the pelvic area) back into alignment. This is important as our personal power, and our emotional centre is at our naval point.

Think of it as our energy control headquarters.

Why does it need adjusting?

It's often off kilter and when it's off kilter we are off kilter. The centre of our own personal universe. When this is strong, in balance and in the right place, we have the power within us to withstand any storm, and not to get battered about the waves. We are resilient and have faith in ourselves. We know we will make it.

It's not a beginners set but if you are up for a challenge give it a whirl.

If you have any back injuries, special conditions or are pregnant then DON'T give it a whirl. Any doubts then check with your doctor and always listen to your body.

There are 4 postures, each lasting for a minute, but you need to add a bit for rest time, where the body consolidates the work, between each pose. Breath of Fire is explained in more detail in an oldie but a goodie You tube video of mine Ego Eradicator.