
The simple secret of happiness..

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A few months ago I wrote a blog - 8 steps to reclaim time and find joy - about how during lockdown I realised that I was whipping up a crazy, busy life for myself, that it was my own construct, and how I had to take responsibility and claim that time back for myself.

It was happier

I truly took back control and stop the incessant running around I was doing, filling all the space in a day with more, more. Okay, I still have a demanding lifestyle, and am busy with my Pilates business and my family life still, but something has shifted and I still can proudly claim I am walking (not running) through my life, smelling the roses.

3 months later Im still feeling pretty joyful and am not running around like mad.. however I realised that joy could be in the running too….

I have realised, however, by slowing myself down these months, joy isn't only in the space - it can be in all, and any, of it.. 

In all the jam packed, madness of every day life!

Thankfully so, as the crazy blur of work, school pick-ups, supermarkets, zoom meetings, appointments, dinner prep, are not obvious places of joy..

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing" Annie Dillard

And so, I've been trying to live a bit more consciously with regards to time - to spend it well. 

Really being there with my lovely, amazing clients at the Pilates studio, with my little family, reconnecting with my own body, and mind, as well as helping others connect to theirs. 

We've all really needed each other at this time, and Pilates has been more than the sum of its parts for me right now.

The conscious movement, and the connection it facilitates - with ourselves, and with each other, is what heals, and is perfect for our times.  

If you are in Barcelona, and fancy trying Pilates on the Reformer with me, check out my Intro Offers for January or see what others are saying about it all

“Change happens through movement and movement heals.” Joseph Pilates

Pilates helped me slow it all down, and bring it back to basics... 

And so joy is being there in the moment.. 

Even on the school run, at the supermarket, in the queue at the post office

Simple everyday stuff -  it's in there somewhere.

Not always, of course - and sometimes we are overwhelmed, sad, and driven to distraction mad, and quite far from joy - but knowing it is there, is kind of nice.

If you fancy a bit of spending time in Pilates joy, on the Mat, this is a video recorded in the summer as part of the Dynamic Flow series..

It's not for absolute beginners, and you can modify to suit your level, whilst being sensible and responsible for yourself in class. Have fun!

8 steps to reclaim time and find joy


I am hearing so many people talking about time at the moment. Perhaps its because Im so obsessed with it myself…

Spending so much time at home in confinement and curfew, having so much new and scary time as they have less employment, or lost work altogether, juggling time working from home whilst simultaneously looking after children, drawing boundaries around time spent working from home and with ‘normal’ home life, general issues setting new time boundaries in new situations, having more time due to less commute/less workload/no school run etc but more time wasting, and procrastination.. the list goes on.

Time it seems to elude us all..

For me, in lockdown I realised that what I used to call my “crazy, busy, time poor life” was actually just my “crazy, busy life” and was of my own creation.

Pre-Covid, I used to wake up at 5.45, shower, meditate, write a gratitude list, check through my ‘To Do’ list, get my child up and off to school. Then I would go to the studio and teach back to back Reformer Pilates classes all morning, and then run to my off- site afternoon Pilates classes, then run to pick my daughter up from school, run to take her to gymnastics and then run back to the studio for evening Pilates classes… No one would argue that wasn’t a busy day.. but did it have to be like that?

Did I have to be running, and ricocheting around the city like this???

The answer became clearer when I was forced to close my Pilates studio, and lockdown in March.

I started to become really “busy” at home..My monkey mind thinking went like this.... “Got to get up early, and get some work done, before my daughter wakes up. Got to make breakfast for us all, clean it away, set-up child with home schooling, put a wash on, hang the washing. Get some work done whilst online school is on, make lunch, clean it away, do some work on online option for business whilst daughter doing homework (read playing on the iPad). Should clean some cupboards since we are at home and they need doing, sort through clothes etc. Place is a mess. Should make some videos for my students to do at home, think of relaunch strategy. What shall we have for dinner? Got make dinner…. etc.. “

I lived with the same level of with anxiety and stress, “running” and rushing from one task to next, locked down at home in a small apartment with my business closed.

It was an exact replica of my regular city life only in 70m2 - running without actually running.

I was creating this reality, and way of living my days mentally and physically, as this “busy-ness” served to keep me from being with myself. Okay, I meditated but that seemed different, as it was a practice and “on the list”. Something I factored in, and not just random, empty space to just “be”, if that make sense?

Unallocated, random time, with nothing programmed or planned was perhaps the scariest thing for me (thankfully, one might say) this about lockdown and beyond..

However, I am leaning into it, and I have to be honest I have never felt so liberated, free and whole, in my entire life. My anxiety - which I have almost had to breathe my way through on a daily basis - has practically disappeared, and I feel grounded. I feel comfortable to just be, and I feel am enough. I am not running from myself, or around like a headless chicken.

So what did I do to change this?

Here are the 8 steps I took to reclaim this illusive time and find joy.

  1. I took responsibility -The first thing was the acceptance that this pressure was all my own construct - I had blamed a demanding lifestyle, but I was responsible for my time, how I use it, and how I perceive it. This gave the power to back me. I still had a demanding lifestyle, and obligations, but I had to show up differently - I don’t want to be a martyr, or show my daughter that running ragged was where it’s at. Definitely not! I did everything more mindfully and this was a big step to peace and joy.

  2. I looked at downtime differently. I gave myself permission to just do nothing, and to see that it was okay not to have every minute programmed, and when a moment came up I didn’t need to fill it. This was hard as it meant being with myself, which was what I seemed to be avoiding, and the feeling of inadequacy, failing or being lazy... Unproductive free time felt weird - like I was squandering “precious time” somehow. I had to change my perspective and I did. It was tough but now I love these pauses, that I know the world isn’t going to stop, I’m not going to be judged as lazy (and if I am, so what?), nor my business fail, and that I’m okay and am still a worthy person even when Im not ‘proving’ myself. Just breathing and being. In fact the world, and life, is richer now I take time to experience it… Actually, my most creative or interesting ideas fall into my head during this time.

  3. I Read…more regularly and for longer. I had forgotten the richness, and how much I love reading... It is never a waste of time (which I would sometimes tell myself if it wasn’t a business or Pilates book, I am horrified to admit). What’s wonderful is my daughter comes to read with me, and we enjoy our respective world of books, together. I find reading slows down time and helps me keep a grounded calmness.

  4. I became more protective of my time . I say ‘No’ to things that I don’t want to do, instead of saying ‘Yes’ out of obligation (and with a little resentment). “No” as a sentence is still a hard one, but I am getting better as not giving my time away so freely.

  5. So I have more time and energy to say YES, wholeheartedly to doing things that make my heart sing and with the people I love. instead of saying, “I can’t - I don’t have time”. The time is now, and I make sure I spend it wisely.

  6. I became more present, more often.. .Although I do DO more things that make my heart sing - time with family, friends, being by myself, walks in nature, days at the beach, lunch with friends - the joy is always in the present moment, In the BEING etc so any moment can be joyful if you are paying attention.. Even when Im running around in a busy life being mindful doing it. So being joyful is an attitude…This is my attitude.

  7. I do more Pilates - for me. I have reconnected to my practice, which sometimes gets lost in teaching, planning and in running a business on my own. Deepening into the exquisiteness of Pilates, and remembering how movement heals and inspires me every damn day. Maybe Pilates is not your thing but something else is deeply personal and moving for you..You Do thatI Love Pilates.

  8. Remember what’s important and be grateful for everything you have. I’m guessing it’s heaps - Health, love, joy, kindness, honesty, peace, security and freedom are important to me (along with food, shelter and clean water, of course…. and wine) and I am so lucky to have all these blessings so why be stressed and anxious? No need. Stop it and be grateful..

Next week, I am back in the studio after the August holidays, and I can’t wait. I am super blessed that my Reformer Pilates classes are already nearly full with my lovely returning clients and some new, equally lovely ones, my daughter then starts school mid Sept, and will be back in gymnastics..

Oh my stars here we go!

I’m going to float through life with an attitude of joy, she says..jeje

Soooooo, although my days and obligations will increase again, let’s see I can move through my life, and my full days, honouring my commitment to be less stressed and more joyful, less busy martyr and more present, grounded sage.

I have already said “No” to some off site projects, and intend to set boundaries so my school run is more of jaunt than a charge.. So far so good.. but term hasn’t started yet. I’ll let you know how I go.

I am joyfully optimistic..

Do you have your own time story? I’d love to hear about it. Sometimes its great to share what we think might be oddities about ourselves when really we all have them..

If you are thinking of trying Pilates with me check out my Intro Offer

Thank you for reading this to the end. I appreciate that.

Love XX

Pilates can help us with our big and dark stuff..


There have been a few occasions where I have literally fallen (backwards off a broken chair, is one that springs to mind) and I have been grateful for the Pilates in my body that has enabled me to catch my balance, my strength, my flexibility and save me from injury. There is no doubt how Pilates shapes and strengthens my structure and assists me in the world.. physically.

What is less obvious, but equally as powerful, is that Pilates is helping me with my inner “falling”… helping me deal with big emotions, stress and anxiety..

During Lockdown, although the situation was terribly bleak and sad outside, I felt quite stoical and optimistic - This too shall pass - inside. It was important to stay healthy ourselves, and prevent the spread to others and although a bit anxious, I concentrated on the online aspect of my business, and it felt good helping people with Pilates, over the internet.

I reconnected to my Pilates Mat practice and was grateful to be safe and on an even keel. Locked away and protected - physically and emotionally.

Then, whilst traversing the “phasing out” from the state of alarm over the last month or so, I have felt more emotional than ever -The after shock proving more powerful that the initial tremor that shook our world. Getting back “out there” was scary. Still is. I am not comfy “out there”..

My inner compass gyrating out of control and Pilates helped find my bearings..

And then..

..the massive and essential rising up for racial equality in the face of a brutal and discriminatory white society, that is still marginalising, and shamefully murdering people, and shamefully allowing the murder of people, because of their skin colour. I’ve been writing and deleting for hours because I don’t know how to address this.. I need to say something and apologies if I get it wrong…It’s devastating and I feel awful, but this isn’t about how I feel.

It’s about Black lives matter and making it the truth that it should always have been, today and forever.

We have allowed racial inequality to persist, and now we have to confront our own racism and part in it all. Not being outwardly racist does not make you anti racist, and anti racism doesn’t mean you have to be free from racism. We have a lot of active work to do - inwardly and outwardly.

I saw this.. “ I understand I will never understand but I stand with you” and this is a start, as I dig deep and face my own bias and racism, that I didn’t know I had, from my place of white privilege, white culture, oblivious, or turning a blind eye, if Im honest, to the horrendous inequality we have been complicit in fostering.

It’s super confronting and I am sorry. I am now listening and learning and I’m committing to anti-racism wherever I find it including in myself.

Pilates is not going to help cure the worlds injustices but it can help you navigate your inner world and the big and dark emotions of the times. Through mindful movement and connecting to your heart you can make new choices and be the person you want to be in this world. A person who cares about oppression, injustice, inequality and somebody that makes a difference.

Pilates is helping me by connecting me to the inner knowing we all have, and pulling forth the courage I need. It helps me navigate my big emotions and the hooks and stories I tell myself to avoid pain.

From the way we breathe in Pilates, and the way we concentrate and focus on deliberate movement from a place of ease, and not force, helps the vagus nerve tone, which brings us back from fight or flight mode.

Super important not to live from a place where cortisol and adrenaline are running the show.

The breath obviously re-oxygenates the blood, and the conscious breath patterns of Pilates improves the capacity of the lungs and the functionality of the respiratory system. When we can control our breath we can control our lives and this will help us tremendously, step up with confidence.

“As a heavy rainstorm freshens the water of a sluggish or stagnant stream, so does the Pilates method purify the bloodstream.” - Joseph Pilates

Pilates also stimulates the abdominals, and the area around the naval which is sometimes referred to third energy centre (chakra) and it is believed that this is where we hold our emotions. Some Pilates exercises move energy around this area making emotional shifts.

When we connect to our hearts and emotions to movement, we strengthen the ability process our emotions and relieve stress and tension.

Moving our bodies with Pilates also has great benefits to the circulatory system moving the blood around our bodies and raising the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

Pilates isn’t considered spiritual practice of itself with history of the ancients, but with focus, concentration and beautiful fluidity of movement that connects me to my internal world, Pilates for me, is a spiritual practice that helps me catch me when I’m “falling”, and hopefully a better person each and every day.

“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.”

- Joseph Pilates

Thank you for reading..

Come to an online class class from the comfort of your own home or if you are in Barcelona and would like to try a Reformer Class with me check out my Intro Offers

Pilates gives you a strong bum and here's why you need one!

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I want to talk to you about your bum!

Did you know that a good, strong pair of gluts is actually super important for the health of your back.

Most of us, given the choice, would like a toned bum, and to look good in our jeans, however, with all the chaos and emotions of this lockdown period a) it’s not priority one and b) sitting at home all day is not conducive to the sporty, healthy look.

But spending some time strengthening your bum could be a saving grace for future (or current) back pain .. plus the side effect of your bum feeling a bit pert is a much appreciated plus.

A good, strong bum supports the spine and keeps the pelvis stable which is pretty essential to keep up walking and moving properly and all the bits doing the right things. When the bum is weak it puts pressure on the low back to do all the work hold us upright.

Pilates helps you tone and strengthen your bum, which actually helps relieve lower back pain and support the whole spine, along with the help of abdominals. Pilates (both on the Mat and the Reformer) strengthen the abdominals too, of course.

Having a shapely bum might be nice, but having a strong bum makes you feel good, in balance and moves your body more efficiently, and this what is important. You don’t have to go mad but a bit of strength and tone in your gluts can really make the difference and Pilates can get you there.

A strong, supported spine keeps you young and, since we are younger for longer and we need our bodies to keep up with our full juicy lives it goes without saying .

“You are only as young as your spine is flexible” - Joesph Pilates

You can move with ease and grace when your hip area is balanced, and muscles are doing the right thing at the right time. The whole body is supported and you can do your things in flow, pain free and feeling fantastic.

Looking good in jeans is great, but being strong and feeling good in jeans even better.

Here is the second video in my fundamental series where I explain good technique and keys moves to get you the results your looking for..

And I’m feeeeling glut....bam bam baa bam baa baa bam bam ba bam

Regular Pilates can boost your long term immunity.

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The advice out there can be confusing as to whether or not to exercise during the Coronavirus and how much. There is a popular misconception that exercise can actually depress the immune system however, the evidence supports that it’s important for us to move and exercise, as James Turner and John P Campbell, both professors at the University of Bath, write in their article arguing for regular exercise Conversation based on their own 2018 review about exercise and immunity.

Staying fit, healthy by exercising, eating well and sleeping well is going to have many benefits through this situation and beyond.

Of course, it would make sense that getting stuck into intense exercise when you are not used to it could be detrimental - “It is fair to say that a large increase in exercise intensity and/or duration, especially in people new to exercise, might have transient negative effects on the immune system,” says Jeffrey Woods, a professor of kinesiology and community health at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, who studies exercise and immunity, that isn’t going to be the case for most of us keeping up some level of health and fitness at home and most people will be sensible.

Therefore - kind of logically - too much exercise, and certainly starting from nothing, a new and rigorous regime is not a great idea and can put too much pressure on the body, making it more vulnerable (at a vulnerable time) than making it stronger. But equally, no or minimal movement at home, staying sedentary and is not good for us either and can have a depressing affect on the mind as well as the body. A study a Harvard medical review suggest that movement, like Pilates, is really good for our mental health.. Result!

Pilates is simply a perfect practice to keep you strong, flexible, mobile, with tone, balanced and with coordination… and sane.

For me exercise, in particular Pilates, is a must and essential to my physical and emotional wellbeing. Always.

Me, I like my Pilates to get my heart rate going a little - not so much we are a drenched in sweat and stressed, pushing ourselves to the limit at the expense of proper technique - but so we do get blood flowing, glowing and raising endorphins, getting the most out of each exquisite Pilates movement and all the benefits.. Deliberately dynamic, if you will.

Pilates makes us feel so good by focusing our attention on deliberate movement and honing our concentration, combined with breathing correctly and re-oxygenating the blood, this can be incredibly calming and reducing the detrimental effects of stress and anxiety. The muscles get a workout but so does the nervous system and the immune system.

Pilates dynamic and energetic - definitely not boring and or the easy option, but not so rigorous as to cause stress to the body.

You will feel you worked the next day but will be able to walk… hopefully.

If you feel like a class with me book here

Below is an example of how I like move through some Pilates abdominal exercises - getting technique correct, while getting a the circulation going and making the most out of the movement in the muscles and in the internal systems (circulatory, respiratory, nervous, for example..)

It’s good for the body inside and out.. what’s there not to love..

Thank you and see you soon for the next in the series..

In health and happiness and more health

Laura X

It's always Darkest before the Dawn

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This passage was sent to me by a friend.. I really liked it and found it reassuring.

It's not easy to know how to feel, or what to do, or not to worry what the future might bring on a micro or macro level. It's awful for those who have been directly affected by the virus and lost their lives or people they they love. It's awful for those that are losing their livelihoods as society locks down.

Frankly it is a serious, broken mess.. right now but…

I believe, like a personal "Dark Night of the Soul" where a person has to hit rock bottom in order to rise back into a better, happier, more conscious life, re-learning and un-learning and healing ghosts of the past - this is what is happening to humanity....

The universe has said STOP. ENOUGH.. Go to your rooms and think about what you have done!

Humanity must unite, treat the earth and environment better, slow down and live life, be kinder to themselves and each other. Stop the frenetic pace, the mindless consumption, the relentless striving, the 24 hour contact with work, the pressure, the pollution, the war against other humans.

The lockdown is providing a space for nature to repair itself as we take ourselves out of it’s path. The factories a not working so they are not polluting and China can see sky for the first time in years. Fish and even dolphins have returned to Venice’s canals now the tourists have gone.

Of course this leads to other problems.. the people who’s livelihoods that depend on China’s industry and Venice’s tourism, for example…

It means we have to do EVERYTHING differently and society will change. I don’t have the answers but I do have faith and I do have hope. I know we are agile and and resilient and life will go on and we will thrive once more. I find it reassuring to think this way. I can’t think in the catastrophe..

It’s going to be okay in the end so if it’s not okay it’s not the end. -

Maybe I’m naive, but it helps me though.

How we think about and face the things we have in front of us directly effects our experience of them, so try and fear less and see the adventure and possibility. There is a lot to be grateful and thankful for.

So on a micro level, take this time at home to clean your things, throw stuff away, spend time with your kids, get into your work in a new way, be by yourself, meditate, slow the eff down and give yourself the permission to take this time to reflect, reset, prepare for a new tomorrow. Try not to worry. There will be relief to help us get through financially and there has to be optimism.

Move your body - Pilates will lift you.. Feeling sluggish and stiff will bring you down so expand into your days and stretch, move and connect. I have made a a couple of Mat Pilates videos in the last couple of days so you can get on your living room/bedroom floor at home.

As always, listen to your body, go within your limits and taken responsibility for yourself in class. Have fun!

Thank you. In health and happiness

Laura X

Great News - If your friends are fab then you probably are too.


I have great news for you if, at this time of year, your “New Year New Me” plans and goals - Oh so shiny a month ago - have blurred and gone out of focus.

The “Old You” is just fine!! - Oh yes she is! You just need to believe in her and be kind to her. No need to change - She’s fab - Just look at your friends.

The feather bird, the man by his friends is known..…Hungarian Proverb

The women in this picture with me have been my friends for more than 20 years, through the ups and downs, the laughter and the tears.. We’ve shared it all. They have seen me at my worst and at my best. I love them to bits and I feel so blessed to have them.

Last weekend they came to visit me in Barcelona and I didn’t stop laughing and we had an absolute ball. They are diamonds every single one of them…. Could I so different from these amazing warm, kind, accepting, talented, humorous, generous women?

We are so hard on ourselves sometimes, and think we should be different, or do things differently or be better, always striving and producing to get validation that we are enough?

It was so natural, warming and comforting to be connected to times gone by and to the “Old Me”, and be reminded that who I was, is who I am still. That I am accepted and loved for who I am, and have always been.  I haven’t changed… and neither have my girls.

I think I thought I had changed as, when I first knew them all, in our early 20s, I was a bit of a loose cannon and very unsure of myself and my place in the world, I was lost, anxious and insecure. 

I thought it was a freak accident I had such fabulous friends.

I feel I have it a bit more together now, am more grounded, in control, responsible and all the grown up things.  Now I am fit and healthy, married with a daughter, invested and successful in my business, with my own little Pilates studio in Barcelona, teaching Pilates Reformer classes - I am officially living My Dream, it’s true - Yay!

This seems a long way away from the girl with Bulimia that drank too much wine, had a string crumby jobs and did not believe in herself.

But whilst I have been on a massive inner journey to find self love, worthiness and all the good stuff, I am delighted to be reminded that, despite being anxious and irresponsible in the past, I always was kind and warm, committed and accepting, and brave and had faith in the universe, if not myself. My friends are reflection of this as they share similar qualities and more.

Essentially the same qualities helped me beat bulimia, mother my daughter, work with my Pilates clients and turned my life into a life I love living.

My friend’s strong qualities and love and respect for each other, are why our friendships have stood the test of time, and why my newer friends are also magnificent women that I adore.

The essence of us stays the same and while we can change our behaviour, our approach and our circumstances we don’t really change what is in our heart. And the people we love connect with us through our hearts. So people who love you for who you are, always do.

Look around at your friends and you will see who you are..

This doesn’t mean not to try and be a better version of yourself, or to not go for what you want. There is nothing wrong with making big changes in your life, indeed we must, but doing them from a place of integrity with who you are is what leads to successful and sustainable change.

It has to fit in with you or it wont work. I think sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that we need to be different to get to where we want to go.

You are enough already, and what you want and how you want to be is already a part of you - or you wouldn’t want it.

When I think about it, my business, my Reformer Pilates classes and my teaching style are all about acceptance, kindness, commitment, showing up, courage. So there is a lot to be said in staying true to yourself as you follow your dreams, and I practice what I preach.

So out with the New Me and in with the Old and here’s to good friends, good times, celebration of life, being kind to yourself, and love.. and being the best version of ourselves whatever that is today.

P.S. Of course, I still love wine

Love laura X

What's your purpose?

Finally a simple answer to a complex question.

I was recently telling a friend that, now I'm birthing my new Pilates Reformer Barcelona project, I have for the first time in years felt more "on purpose" than ever, although I claim I don't know what my life purpose is, if that makes sense?

I've meditated, done exercises, journaled, and the pressure to “find” this purpose has had me feeling quite inadequate for most of my life.

Aaarrghhh “Purpose, why do you STILL elude me?”

I have over the last decade connected back into my heart and body after a lengthy battle with bulimia, and I have since wanted to help others do the same. I enjoy getting my clients strong from the inside out, aligned, balanced and connected in their bodies, hearts and minds with Pilates classes, here in Barcelona, but is it my purpose. I kind of happily fell into it rather than being called and isn’t purpose a calling?

Does my work matter enough? Am I making enough of a difference to people? Do you ever think that?

Now I am fully recovered and am fit and very healthy, emotionally as well as physically, I am passionate about helping people, not only with their bad backs, posture and muscle balance, but in knowing that they are powerful beyond measure, and absolutely enough as they are, and can live life with gusto.

I feel more on purpose than ever now…

I have my Reformers in my little Barcelona studio, classes are getting booked up. There’s more focus and clarity to my work and yes, I do feel joy and, for the first time in ages, a sense of peace that things are falling into place. Hooray!

But am I living my purpose? I feel it should be more obvious. Do you know what I mean?

And then, I found this….

I found it online but I don’t know the source, I’m afraid.

I found it online but I don’t know the source, I’m afraid.


It’s like I’ve been given permission that I’m ok and sometimes I need this external reassurance to provide a reflection. Like I teach my clients we are enough, and we are doing enough. By being, kind, compassionate and everyday, making difference with just a smile.

We are not losing or wasting our time because we aren’t in a profession that is directly saving lives, or finding eco friendly alternatives to plastic. We are on purpose by being a human being travelling our crazy, absurd but glorious lives with spirit and integrity, doing our best in the madness.

Amen! Purpose found..Being a decent, and serving human being.

So as I keep myself going into overwhelm about the new Reformer Pilates classes, starting next Monday (click here for details) and the responsibility to my clients, I feel secure that I am on purpose already… delivering strong cores, stable hips, flexible spines, healthy postures and toned balanced muscles is just part of the the bigger picture we are all part of and it all matters.


Since I am launching my new Pilates Reformer Classes this week I have become a little overwhelmed and since that is a state that is familiar to us all below is an exercise I use to help me soothe myself. If you are feeling you need to balance your emotions and help yourself feel secure watch this video from my Limitless Live series..

How do you feel about purpose? There is such a thing? How do you know when you are living it? I’d love to know what your experience. Let me know in the comments below..

Thank you

Love Laura XX

4 Ways To Reset Your Body After Summer


It's September and I always feel so excited this time of year.

New beginnings and promising adventures, more so than at New Year, for me. Remembering the start of a new school term, new shoes, new classes and new possibilities, this time of year still provokes that excitement and positive expectation of all the new things to be discovered and learned.

Its so fresh and exciting

To fully embrace the new season with zest and gusto getting your body reset is key feeling on top of it.

Here are 4 ways that I swear by, that get you going first thing and set you up for lovely autumn days.


It’s been said a million times, and I was trying to think of something more original to say to you, but a large glass of water first thing really is absolutely essential to hydrating you after 6 of 8 hours of sleep. Hydrating the body first thing encourages a consistent blood flow to the skin and flushes toxins from your system. Drinking water just helps prevent kidney stones developing and protects the colon and bladder from infections. It boosts your metabolism, helps create new blood cells and muscle cells which gives your whole body a reviving boost.

Let’s do it - One large glass, first thing - either room temperature, or warm but not from the fridge. You can add a bit of lemon or mint, but the water is the most important.


Doing some form of nurturing exercise or gentle stretching will really set you up for a great day physically and emotionally. I am biased, because Pilates and/or Yoga first thing in the morning is my personal elixir of life, but I would suggest at least 10 minutes to get the blood flowing, wake up your muscles, keep your spine flexible, get your endorphins going and boosting your metabolism. You will never regret it. I have some videos on my youtube channel that might be useful .

Let’s do it -This one for a Pilates for a balanced body might suit you https://youtu.be/LkUOhp6SEB8

If you are in Barcelona and fancy making a commitment to moving your body and getting strong from the inside out, check out my New Reformer Classes


I cannot tell you how much being in a state of gratitude is good for your body, health and wellbeing. It might sound a bit woo woo but the vibration of gratitude is so high that being in this state is shown to have really positive effects on your psychological health and your physical health too. The research shows that people who are grateful and appreciative also recover more quickly. In his formal GRACE study of recovering Heart Attack patients Jeff Huffman finds that as a result of feeling that in-the-moment gratitude for one’s health this had strong associations with health and recovery. Gratitude is prevetative and restorative.

Let’s do it -Write down 10 things each day that you are grateful for. It can be anything, like having a nice cosy bed, the colour of the sky at dawn, your childrens laugh as they leave for school, your two working legs that get you around, living in a peaceful country. There are literally a million things to be grateful for most of us, and paying attention to them will serve us well.


Bringing yourself back into the present moment, and not rehashing a story from the past, or a making a prediction about the future is a great way to stay out of anxiety and overwhelm, and give you that reset you need for a new perspective to get you on track for new adventures and projects.

I can really relate to this, as I often get stress and anxiety, worrying about all the demands on my time and obligations I have to fulfill. Being present keeps your stress hormones on an even keel keeping the harmful effects of cortisol and adreneline from wreaking havoc on your health. I find being present helps me get on with my things with more focus and success, and out of procrastination and catastrophising. You can enjoy your life when its actually happening instead waiting for life to happen. It’s a classic but Ekhart Tolle’s The Power Of Now is a really good book on being present and why this is so important for a full and happy life.

Let’s do it -Sit on the floor in easy pose or in a chair and close your eyes. Bring an awareness to your breath. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and breathe out for five seconds slowing your breath down to 4 breaths a minute (1 full breath every 15 seconds). You will feel present, calm and like time has slowed a little bit. 1-3 minutes is a good start.

If you are in Barcelona and would like to make a commitment to your physical health have a look to see if my Introductory Offers Interest you? Your body needs to keep up with your life, so it could be the moment?